About these jobs

We have secured a number of positions in Canada for Qualified and experienced South African Diesel mechanics.

Contracts are for 12 months, with an option for permanent employment after the first year. A permanent position can
be considered, provided you have performed to your employers expectations, and of course should you have been 
happy at your employer too.   Experience, a valid qualification, good health and the ability to speak fluent English are 
critical to be considered for these positions.

Wages start from Canadian Dollars $29,- an hour,  and using a conversion to the Rand can work out to about R 39.000,- per month, with 40 hour work weeks.  Overtime is paid out over and on top of these wages, like in South Africa.

Accommodation will be arranged for you and can be shared with another South African, if you prefer to share the cost. Expect a monthly rental of about $900,- which if shared,. will only cost you $450,- per month.

Cost of living will be around $100,- a week, which will include your food and drinks.

After we have interviewed and approved you, you will be required to submit yourself to a medical first, here in South Africa. This is required by the Canadian employers and government, to ensure you are in good health and capable to perform the jobs, from a physical point of view.  This and the drug tests will be at your own expense.

Travel expenses like tickets are paid upfront by the employers (through us) and either deducted as you work or written of at the end of a full and completed season.

Click here to apply now !